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Success Stories

The following case studies break down the different barriers our clients face with the start of a new project. Each case study outlines the problem, the solution, and the final outcome.

All of the projects mentioned require at least one of the three services we offer at UNIQ Dimensions.

3D Scanning

BentallGreenOak x ERA

The building was going to be demolished and turned into a new condominium development, but the exterior facade had heritage status, so it had to be preserved. The client did not have any drawings of the building or garage, so they hired UNIQ to use 3D laser scanning to capture all exterior heritage details and deliver a full as-built package.

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the commercial property for Chancery Mendez Holdings Case Study

Architectural As-Built

Service Inspired Restaurants x Barrett Architect Inc.

Service Inspired Restaurants was opening a new restaurant in a new location, but the landlord did not have past drawings of the unit. As such, Barrett Architect Inc. needed the existing unit measured to analyze and design the new layout and apply for building permits.

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the commercial property for Chancery Mendez Holdings Case Study

3D Scanning

People Design Cooperative x Circle Community Land Trust

Circle Community Land Trust acquired a handful of properties for their portfolio, some of which did not have any documentation but needed renovations. People Design Cooperative needed the as-built drawings to kick off their scope of work and permit drawings. There were too many properties to do in-house, and it would take a very long time to complete, so they contacted UNIQ to provide all the scanning and as-built drawings required.

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the commercial property for Chancery Mendez Holdings Case Study

Architectural As-Built


Fitzrovia recently purchased two residential towers and was planning on doing major renovations. They did not have CAD drawings to start their planning, so they hired us to complete them. The client wanted all the typical layouts (40 units), main floor units, all the common spaces, and underground parking/storage measured.

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the commercial property for Chancery Mendez Holdings Case Study

Architectural As-Built

Cianci Properties

Cianci purchased a new plaza and had big renovation plans. The previous owners did not have up-to-date floor plans, as many changes had happened throughout the years. UNIQ was hired to complete building measurements and create as-built plans for future designs.

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the commercial property for Chancery Mendez Holdings Case Study

Architectural As-Built

Stanctec and GRS Architecture

The building was undergoing major renovations and an addition. The owner did not have as-built plans to start their design analysis. They also required 3D modelling of the existing HVAC system throughout the building on top of an architectural BIM model. The property was currently operating, so completing the as-built measurements with traditional methods was difficult.

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the commercial property for Chancery Mendez Holdings Case Study

Architectural As-Built

TAV College

The building was about to undergo a significant renovation, turning this existing office space into a hotel. The client did not have existing drawings for the architect so they hired UNIQ to complete the measuring and all existing drawings. Structural components and changes in level were a big concern for this project. The client had tight deadlines to meet, as the previous measuring company could not deliver what the architect needed.

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the commercial property for Chancery Mendez Holdings Case Study

Architectural As-Built

Archaus Architects Inc. & AMDEV Property

AMDEV Property needed to verify the existing square footage of the building. Archaus Architects needed to know the current state of the building to see what was possible from a design perspective.

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The industrial property for the Archaus Architecture Inc. & AMDEV Property Case Study

Building Area Analysis

Chancery Mendez Holdings

The client did not have accurate floor plans of the individual units in the building. She needed the data to advertise and lease the units to potential tenants that were interested in the space.

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the commercial property for Chancery Mendez Holdings Case Study

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Houses, Apartments and Condominiums

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Warehouses, Distribution Centres and Factories

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Restaurants, Retail Stores and Office Spaces

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Heritage Properties, Lofts and Converted Buildings

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